The (true) story of parkour Parkour: the discipline has its roots in the 'natural method' used during the training of the French armed forces at the beginning of the twentieth century Although it has almost ancestral roots, parkour as a real discipline was born only at the end of the last century, thanks to the spread of this practice across the global stage of the mass media. Let's retrace, then, the history of parkour in video games, in search of its genesis and the evolutionary process that has helped to give new meaning to the exploration of virtual game worlds. But, as with any kind of story, there is always an origin, a 'proving ground' from which we had to start. Today, thanks to the implementation of various techniques, among which the best known is undoubtedly motion capture, video games are able to return increasingly convincing and elaborate animations. The search for dynamism follows the evolution of the medium hand in hand, reaching new peaks as the technology develops in less and less dilated times. Movement has always been one of the expressive cornerstones of videogame language.