The Eighth Judicial District Court of the State of Nevada in and for the County of Clark, case no. This case was stayed pending the Nevada Supreme Court’s decision in Neville v. in the United States District Court for the District of Nevada on June 8, 2017. The complaint was filed against Station Casinos, LLC and Red Rock Resorts, Inc. in Clark County Nevada on Novembut was removed to federal court in December.
Because employees were required to complete these work activities off the clock, Plaintiff alleges he was not paid wages for all hours worked and was not paid overtime premium compensation of 1 ½ times the regular rate of pay for hours worked over 8 in a workday and/or 40 hours in a workweek.
The Plaintiff in this case was a table games dealer who was required to spend 10 minutes or more in a pre-shift meeting prior to clocking in for his regularly scheduled shift. June 8, 2017) This is a collective and class action on behalf of employees who worked for Station Casinos and were required to attend pre-shift meetings or conduct other work activities prior to the beginning of their regularly scheduled shift or after the end of their shift without pay. Station Casinos LLC Red Rock Resorts, Case No.